BW 公司針對CNC切削加工微型油霧渦流管槍設計、微型渦流管原理應用在高速加工與傳統加工、無污染切削加工改善切削排屑能力、降低刀具升溫與刀具壽命問題、 改善加工表面粗糙度、遇到特殊材質可應用低溫與油霧混合、造成加工速度與加工表面細緻、改善工廠環境、符合環保綠化、降低加工人員無油霧污染、提高生產與 環境保護兼顧、是碧威股份有限公司目標與科技結合、歡迎詢問!!!!
Introduction of the product :
1. 藉由空氣壓縮機(建議5HP以上)驅動,即可產生超低溫冷風,無使用電源及冷煤,安全、乾淨、零污染。
※ Through the air compressor (prefer above 5HP) driving, the low temperature air will be produced. No need to use electricity and cold fuel. The product is safe, clean and produces no pollution.
2. 迅速產生超低溫冷風,無耗材,產品壽命長,設備成本低廉。
※ The benefit of the product is to produce super low temperature air in no need of consuming materials, being lasting and low cost.
3. 可依需求調整冷風溫度、風量及油量(GPA-1),,達到最佳使用狀態。
※ The temperature, volume of the cold air and oil (GPA-1)can be adjusted according to the need to achieve the best effect.
4. 專利設計,GPA-1可產生超低溫冷風+油霧,可於金屬切削加工時產生加乘之效果。
※ Patent design, GPA-1 can produce super low temperature cold air and oil spray which help to process metal cutting.
5. GPA-1入油口加裝止逆閥,可避免加工停止時油品垂滴,及不需於下次加工時重複設定油霧量。
※ GPA-1 oil inlet will be installed with an adverse proof valve to avoid the dripping of oil when the processing stops. Thus there is no need to reset the volume of oil spray for the next process.
6. GPA-1可選擇產生冷風,或冷風+油霧。
※ GPA-1 can produce either cold air, or cold air plus oil spray.
7. 配備具有多層保溫層之「冷風玻纖導管」,降低環境溫度對冷風溫度之影響。
※ Equipped with multi-layers of “ glass fiber conduit” which can lower the environmental temperature affect towards the cold air temperature.
※ 產品效能:
Product efficacy
1. 超低溫冷風可有效降低刀具溫度,避免刀具過熱,與切削形成燒結(假焊),進而造成「刀具崩裂」及「加工面損傷」。
※ Super low temperature cold air can effectively reduce the temperature of cutting tools.
2. 超低溫冷風可中和切削部位之局部溫升,避免工件熱變形,影響加工精度。
※ Super low temperature cold air can lower the temperature of cutting parts to avoid the deforming and precision reducing of the product in process.
3. 經實測,相較於一般吹氣,超低溫冷風可降低切削時之「摩擦瞬間阻力」,使刀具壽命延長,加工面更光滑。
※ After actual testing, comparing with the ordinary blowing, the super low temperature air can lower the “momentary resistance of friction” in cutting and thus prolong the sharpness of the cutting tool and increase the smoothness of work.
4. 眾所皆知,油霧可於切削部位產生潤滑效果,亦具有保護刀具與使加工面更光滑之效果。故超低溫冷風+油霧具有加乘之效果。
※ As we all know that the oil spray can lubricate, protect the cutting tool and smooth the working surface. Thus the effect of super low temperature air with oil spray will be double.
※ 測試數據:
※ Testing statistics :
環境溫度30℃ / 入氣溫度27.5℃
environment temperature30℃ / air temperature 27.5℃
pressure 總入氣量
air introduced in total
100% 冷風風量
cold air in total
100% 冷風溫度 temperature of cold air
(風量45%) 室溫-冷風
room temperature – cold air temperature difference
溫度差 入氣-冷風
air temperature introduced – cold air temperature difference
4 kgf/cm² 175L/min 80~175L/min - 5.8℃ 35.8℃ 33.3℃
5 kgf/ cm² 200L/min 90~200 L/min - 8.5℃ 38.5℃ 36℃
6 kgf/ cm² 225L/min 100~225 L/min - 11.2℃ 41.2℃ 38.7℃
7 kgf/ cm² 250L/min 110~250 L/min - 13.8℃ 43.8℃ 41.3℃
8kgf/ cm² 275L/min 120~275L/min - 16.4℃ 46.4℃ 43.9℃
BW碧威股份有限公司針對客戶端改善切削方式、提供專業切削CNC數控刀具專業能力、製造客戶需求如:Cutting tool、切削刀具、HSS Cutting tool、Carbide end mills、Carbide cutting tool、NAS Cutting tool、Carbide end mill、Aerospace cutting tool、Carbide drill、High speed steel、Milling cutter、Core drill、鎢鋼銑刀、航太刀具、鎢鋼鑽頭、高速剛、鉸刀、中心鑽頭、Taperd end mills、斜度銑刀、
Metric end mills、公制銑刀、Miniature end mills、微小徑銑刀、鎢鋼切削刀具、Pilot reamer、領先鉸刀、Electronics cutter、電子用切削刀具、Step drill、階梯鑽頭、Metal cutting saw、金屬圓鋸片、Double margin drill、領先階梯鑽頭、Gun barrel、Angle milling cutter、角度銑刀、Carbide burrs、滾磨刀、Carbide tipped cutter、銲刃刀具、Chamfering tool、倒角銑刀、IC card engraving cutter、IC晶片卡刀、Side cutter、側銑刀、NAS tool、DIN tool、德國規範切削刀具、Special tool、特殊刀具、Metal slitting saws、Shell end mills、滾筒銑刀、Side and face milling cutters、Side chip clearance saws、交叉齒側銑刀、Long end mills、長刃銑刀、Stub roughing end mills、粗齒銑刀、Dovetail milling cutters、鳩尾刀具、Carbide slot drills、Carbide torus cutters、鎢鋼圓鼻銑刀、Angeled carbide end mills、角度鎢鋼銑刀、Carbide torus cutters、短刃平銑刀、Carbide ball-noseed slot drills、鎢鋼球頭銑刀、Mould cutter、模具用刀具、BW微型渦流管槍、Tool manufacturer、刀具製造商等相關切削刀具、以服務客戶改善工廠加工條件、爭加競爭力。